Gender strategy

‘Where are you now on the gender equality journey?’ Conducting a Diagnostic Review on the state of Gender Equality in your Organisation

‘Where are you now on the gender equality journey?’ Conducting a Diagnostic Review on the state of Gender Equality in your Organisation

One of the things we notice with many organisations starting out on the gender equality journey is the tendency to jump straight into implementing a series of gender equality related activities. These can often include women’s networks, informal mentoring, unconscious bias training, and a range of other initiatives.

While these may actually be great programs in their own rights, what we observe is that they are often disconnected from the business and HR strategy, they may not have the support from management, and they are not part of an overarching strategy aligned towards a more deliberate goal.

4 practical ways employers can support employees experiencing domestic and family violence

4 practical ways employers can support employees experiencing domestic and family violence

Domestic and family violence is a violation of human rights, characterised by the intentional and systematic use of violent, abusive or intimidating behaviours to threaten, manipulate and control family members, intimate partners or former partners. There is clear evidence that gender inequality is the primary underlying cause of domestic and family violence, via a male sense of entitlement to women. 

Data driven insights for your gender strategy: Four ways to leverage your WGEA benchmark report

Data driven insights for your gender strategy: Four ways to leverage your WGEA benchmark report

Every year the WGEA also produces Competitor Analysis Benchmark Reports which are individual and customised benchmark reports for each reporting organisation. The reports draw from data from around 5,000 non-public organisations who employ 100 or more people in Australia. The benchmark reports allow individual organisations to see how they are performing on the WGEAs Gender Equality Indicators (GEIs) in relation to all organisations in their industry or sector or across all reporting organisations.